Wednesday, February 21, 2007

th plays have arrived, well almost!

we have been given a choice (ish) out of three plays; rhinoceros, cloud street and mirror mirror.

i think that rhinoceros sounds silly. this is probably because i havn't read the play and no nothing about it, but just the thought of us dressed up as rhinos for our year 12 production...its kinda funny. this play would not get my vote

cloud street sounds like it could be really good, however, ms mace said that it was like all sex scenes and i dont know what would happen if we took them out....or left them in for that matter. i know we'd find a way around it but still, it could be either a controversial disaster or a great success. if i was to choose out of this and rhinoseros i would definately chose this one.

mirror mirror sounds fantastic. the issue that it focus' on, anorexia and eating disorders is so relevant to our society and an issue which needs to be addressed. i think that people can learn from this play whilst also being able to enjoy a bright and colourful performance. this play would definately get my vote over the others! i really hope we can do it.

i'm really looking forward to doing the production. i also think that it is a great idea to simply cast the roles rather than audition them. this is because, this is just my view, but i feel that in the class i can express myself more and i feel less selfconcious rather than if i was to say a few lines infront of a 'judge'. nerves can alter a person's performance dramatically and it would be a shame to hinder someones chances of getting the role they want simply because of this.


Ally said...

heyas holly - nice blog u got here.
its so good we're doing mirror mirror hey. instead of putting on rhinoceros masks and running across the stage.

<3 Ally

*bEc* said...

hey holly... nice layout...funny... ITS THE SAME AS MINE.... stealer.... :). Mirror mirror will be awesome.... mother mother mother. no one else will understand that because WE ARE THE WHITE MEN OF THIS WORLD. :D ahh ha ha ha... I HAVE A WEDGIE.. love you a thousand red smarties,

luv bec xoxoxo

jayan Mace said...

Hey Holly,
Your reflections have been honest. I was thinking about your focus "problem" (it is in inverted commas as i don't think it is a real problem just a choice) and I think you should challenge this "problem". Try to highlight the exact time you get distracted and what it is that distracts you. If you can pin point the location it may be easier to combat or avoid. Give it ago as it just might work.
Keep blogging\
ms mace